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Kerry Hospice Foundation is dedicated to supporting the provision of KSCPS, the Kerry Specialist Palliative Care Service. We are a volunteer led organisation, with no paid fundraisers and a mission to deliver the best service possible for the people of Kerry (as well as a sizeable amount from Limerick and Cork).


We started off as a small but passionate group of fundraisers in 1990, ably led by Ted Moynihan and Dr Tom McCormack. Within a few short years, the successful delivery of home-based services gave the movement broader ambitions. This culminated in the world class service we have today. Led currently by two specialist palliative care consultants, there is a professional team that works together to ease the suffering that many serious illnesses inflict. 


We have a board, that is charged with looking after the big picture. However, most of the day-to-day work is done by eighteen local committees, dotted around the county. These feed into the main fundraising committee, which reports to the board. We have several regular events, the Good Friday Walk, Sunflower Day in June and Coffee Day in September. Our Christmas Card committee is always busy. They are sponsored fully by Kerry Group and are a key fundraiser. 

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Kerry Hospice Foundation

Suaimhneas Centre

University Hospital Kerry

Tralee Co. Kerry V92NX94





Account Number: 46324756

Sorting Code: 905838

Contact us on

Tel: 066 7119070



Chairman (Jack Shanahan) : 086 0606805

Secretary (Mary Shanahan) : 086 0538706

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Reg Charity Number # 11657

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